The Secrets


understand the alchemy behind

mastering the art of forging

a confident partnership with horses

through the Centaur Connection method


The Book

Embark on an evocative journey that awakens your senses to the alchemy of true connection

'The Secrets of Horses' provides an evocative and poetic journey, shining a light on the delicate threads that underpin deep and true connections and partnerships. Like connecting to someone from a foreign land with differing cultures and no language in common, the contrasts when connecting to different species are even more apparent. Horses, as such sensitive, responsive and sentient beings reflect our behaviours back to us.

As the pages turn, vibrant illustrations provide a portal, a glimpse into the intricate world of horses, where senses, emotions, and connections converge. Just as the chapters tell a story with words, the artwork tells a story with strokes of colour, shapes, and lines, igniting the imagination and deepening the reader's appreciation for these extraordinary beings.

The collaboration between evocative words and captivating artwork weaves a tapestry of discovery, inviting readers on an immersive journey into the heart and soul of the equine realm.

centaur connection

The Journey

From the hearts of horses, to the hands of humans.. This is our voice.



Unmasking the Fluid Dance Within Horse Herd Dynamics

Unveiling the CHEMISTRY OF Equine Learning

Secrets of Equine Communication

The Dance of Compassionate Alpha Leadership

the art of Captivating Curiosity with an invitation


Unveiling the Art of Horse Training through Learning THEORY


A Gentle Plea, Equipment USE

Taming the Winds of Anxiety with Nervous Horses

LEARNINGS Applied to Human Connection and Growth

..... and more

centaur connection



centaur connection

the secrets of horses



As we wade through the currents of equine connection, we uncover

the luminous gems that surface in the embrace of understanding.



To forge a profound and meaningful connection with your equine companion, the path unfurls through a language of understanding that speaks to the horse's very essence.

This journey mirrors the nurturing of a friendship rooted in something that is even greater than trust, where the threads of empathy and comprehension intertwine to weave a tapestry of mutual respect.

The Eloquent Bonds of Equine Connection

In the realm of horses, true connection blossoms when we engage in a dialogue that resonates with their innate communication mechanisms. The bedrock of this connection is forged through a harmonious rhythm that aligns with the ebb and flow of their herd dynamics. It's akin to an intricate dance of mutual grooming, a shared exchange of 'I'll be there for you if you're there for me.' This harmonious give-and-take cultivates a realm of trust and understanding, nurturing a credit of shared experiences.

Tracing the Pathways of Joy

Embarking on this journey, we delve into the realms of physicality and brain chemistry, where touch and sensation form the cornerstone of connection. As our hands trace over the landscape of horses' bodies, especially those remote corners beyond their reach, it evokes a symphony of positive responses. This tactile orchestration creates neural pathways of delight, intertwining body, memory, and brain chemistry. Through the art of touch, we pave the way for profound communication that courses through every fibre of their being.

Unveiling the Secret of the Withers

In the intricate map of equine anatomy, one hallowed ground emerges – the withers. This realm of the back and shoulders, frequented by grooming and mutual scratching in the equine lexicon, holds a vital key to connection. The withers, a haven of untold receptor points, form a gateway to their nervous system, liberating a cascade of positive brain neurotransmitters.

This neurological alchemy nurtures a climate of heightened receptivity, where both horse and human engage in a symbiotic exchange of elevated brain chemistry, forging the bonds necessary for connection.

Orchestrating the Symphony of Learning

Within the tapestry of understanding, a pivotal revelation emerges – the power of enriched brain chemistry as an emissary of learning. As humans and horses alike tread the realms of boosted dopamine and serotonin, an enriched learning environment flourishes within. Conversely, a lingering state of fear and stress shrouds the mind in a veil of non-receptivity, impeding the gateway to memory and assimilation. By nurturing the fertile ground of neural harmony, the partnership between human and horse transcends mere cooperation, unfurling as an eloquent symphony of connection and understanding that goes deep within.

The Gateway to Cooperative Harmony

In this intricate choreography of understanding, a tapestry of trust unfurls its vibrant threads. To comprehend and be comprehended, to fathom and be fathomed, is the heart's yearning that kindles the flames of trust. This sacred exchange paves the way for a shared willingness to journey together, fostering cooperation that reverberates beyond the realms of communication into a realm of profound harmony.

As we wade through the currents of equine connection, we uncover the luminous gems that lie in the embrace of understanding.

With each stroke, each touch, and each shared moment, a symphony of connection unfolds, harmonising the souls of horses and humans into a melody that resonates across time. In the realm of the horse, we discover a bridge that transcends language, a sanctuary where understanding blooms and trust takes flight. Join us on this journey as we uncover the delicate threads that are woven between us.

centaur connection

the secrets of horses



As the conductor and choreography of this ballet, the tool of lunging is your baton and your energetic communication tool that steers the journey.



In the realm of equine partnership, where whispers of understanding and unspoken bonds intertwine, a powerful tool often waits in the wings, ready to take centre stage – the art of lunging. Beneath the expansive sky, amidst the rhythm of hooves upon the earth, the dance of lunging weaves a tapestry of physical vitality and profound connection. In this chapter, we shall embark on a journey into the world of lunging, uncovering its hidden treasures and illuminating the transformative impact it can have on both horses and humans.

Unveiling the Lunging Canvas: A Symphony of Fitness and Health

Lunging, an often overlooked and underappreciated training method unfurls a canvas upon which the horse's physical prowess can be painted with precision. As the horse navigates circles and arcs under the guidance of a skilled human partner, its body moves with grace, muscles flexing and limbs extending in a symphony of fluid motion. Through these deliberate movements, lunging becomes a symposium of fitness and health, a regimen that nurtures balance, coordination, and strength.

The horse's body, like a fine-tuned instrument, responds to the choreography of lunging with a harmony that reverberates through every fibre. Ligaments stretch, tendons flex, and joints articulate with grace, resulting in a physique that exudes not only strength but also a profound sense of well-being. The dance of lunging emerges as a conduit for the equine form to achieve optimal vitality, echoing the whispers of its wild heritage.

The Benevolent Mirror: Uncovering Biomechanics and Balance

Beneath the watchful gaze of the human partner, lunging reveals itself as a mirror that reflects the horse's biomechanics and balance in exquisite detail. With each stride, every shift of weight, the horse's body offers silent revelations – a canvas upon which imperfections and imbalances are painted with honesty. Through the language of lunging, these revelations become gifts, guiding the human partner toward a deeper understanding of the horse's physical condition.

As the horse traverses the circle, the astute observer becomes attuned to the symphony of movement – the rhythm of strides, the cadence of breath, and the subtle shifts that unveil biomechanic nuances. This insight, a precious treasure of lunging, provides a roadmap for the human partner, enabling them to tailor their training and riding approach to accommodate and address any issues or imbalances that may arise.

Communication in Motion: Weaving Bonds of Understanding

Beyond the realm of physical fitness and health, lunging becomes a platform for forging a connection that transcends the tangible. In the delicate dialogue between horse and human, the dance of lunging fosters a communication framework that is rich in subtlety and nuance. Through the extension of a lead line, the human partner becomes an orchestrator, guiding the horse's movements with precision and intention.

As the horse listens and responds to the cues of the human, a bridge of understanding forms, allowing for the exchange of thoughts, desires, and intentions. This dance, conducted through the language of body language and energy, becomes a bond that deepens with every step. The trust that emerges within the circle of lunging extends far beyond the training arena, shaping the entire equine-human relationship.

The Unveiling of Potential: A Journey Beyond the Circle

With every revolution of the circle, lunging becomes a metaphorical journey – a path that winds its way not only around the training arena but also through the hearts of horse and human alike. As the horse's body becomes attuned to the art of balance and motion, as communication flows seamlessly between partner and companion, a transformation unfolds. The dance of lunging becomes a bridge to undiscovered territories, propelling both horse and human toward the boundless realm of their innate potential.

centaur connection



centaur connection

Tracy Steinhardt is a seasoned professional with a profound passion for understanding and harmonizing the relationship between humans and horses.

Raised on her family's Appaloosa horse stud, Tracy's upbringing instilled in her a deep love for these magnificent animals. Inspired by her uncle's expertise in taming wild brumbies and nurturing injured horses, Tracy developed a keen understanding of effective yet gentle training methods.

Fueled by her passion, Tracy ventured into establishing her own Lipizzaner horse stud, where she discovered she has a natural affinity for this intelligent, sensitive and expressive breed.

Through years of dedicated study and research, Tracy honed her skills in horse training, behavior, and reproduction management.

A quiet achiever, Tracy's developments in the field extend beyond training techniques; she also pioneered advancements in reproduction management, devising methods to improve breeding processes while minimizing stress and injuries for both horses and handlers. Her commitment to finding respectful breeding methods led to the development of a groundbreaking "mare receptivity" detection technique, enhancing conception rates and ensuring the safety of stallions & mares and respectful treatment of mares.

Her knowledge and experience evolved into her signature “Centaur Connection” method, enabling her to swiftly identify and resolve any disconnect between horses and riders.

Her story is one of passion, dedication, and innovation, reflecting her unwavering commitment to the well-being and understanding of horses, and the harmonious partnership between humans and these magnificent creatures.

centaur connection

centaur connection

Contact Us

Centaur Connection

To order the digital version, pre-order copies of the hardcover coffee table book, clinic & coaching enquiries, please email the Author, Tracy Steinhardt, at the following email address:


Copyright 2023 T.M. Steinhardt, Australia

Professional Equine Artwork Copyright 2023 Tony O’Connor Equine Artist

Stock images from Unsplash

centaur connection